Friday, April 4, 2008

Music on my MP3 player this week

Cantamus - Aurora
An all female choir performing works of a contemporary composer.

Enigma - A Posteriori
Possibly the best Enigma album of all. At the least, it's the best since the very first one. Recommended.

Eurovision Song Contest - Riga 2003
Ah Eurovision. It's like a form of opera really. Riga 2003 was a cracker year. If you watched it on SBS, this was the yeat that Des Mangan compered it.

T.A.T.U - Dangerous And Moving
Yes, I know, the pair of Russian lasses, who coincidentally performed at Eurovision in 2003. This is a surprisingly rock styled album with a mix of English and Russian lyrics.

Bartoli, Cecilia - Opera Proibita
Cecilia at her Rossini-esque melodramatic best.

Sumi Jo - Les Bijoux
Simply beautiful singing.

Catrin Finch - Crossing the Stone
A crossover album by a classical harpist.

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