Saturday, October 24, 2009

Deeper than Twittering?

Some days it's obvious to me that I'm never quite going to be a Twitter kind of guy. I read some incoming tweets, which prompt me to think something. Then I flail about trying to make that insight fit into 140 characters. By the time I decide I can't see a way to make it fit, I realise I should have just started writing a blog post in the first place. Am I up myself to think that I'm too deep for twitter - or inept at being succinct?
The irony is that I'm often scathing about how long most books are. Why it takes so many words to say so little so often is a continuing puzzle. Is this a conundrum of language or our attitude as writers?
I had thought that the web (well, hypertext really) would provide a solution - that we would write our assertions and then sub-link to the substantiations. Yet, I don't see much of that around and certainly haven't led the charge myself.

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